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October is off to a great start at Falcon’s Ledge Utah fishing lodge. We have seen some beautiful rainbows, browns, and tiger trout come out of the Falcon’s Ledge lakes. Last week we had a Reel Recovery event at Falcon’s Ledge where 10 men with cancer came and fished with us for a couple of days. It was great to see these men with cancer relax and enjoy the beautiful property and catch some great fish. The fishing was great, and everyone caught some spectacular fish and had big smiles on their faces. The fishing has really heated up the last two weeks at this Utah fishing lodge and will remain great until late into November.

In October and November, the weather has gotten cold enough at night that most of the flying insects have died off. The fish are mainly feeding on emerging midges in the late afternoon and evening and crayfish, minnows and blood worms. There are several ways to catch fish this time of year. Here are a few techniques we like to use.

We often use a dry/dropper rig in October. The dry/dropper set up is effective especially in the late afternoons and evenings in October when midges are emerging. We like to use a parachute hopper or parachute ant as a dry fly. We tie a 20-to-30-inch piece of tippet to the bend of the dry fly hook. At the tag end of the tippet, we then tie a midge emerger such as a zebra midge, or crystal midge, disco midge, or holo midge. Cast the set up to rising fish and let it sit on the water until the fish finds it. The dry fly will act as a strike indicator if the fish takes the midge emerger. Occasionally a fish will eat the dry fly right off the top of the water.

In many Falcon’s Ledge lakes there are lots of crayfish and blood worms living on the bottom of the lake. Both are staples of a trout’s diet in these lakes. A crayfish pattern or rust brown woolly bugger are both great patterns to imitate crayfish in these lakes. Be sure to fish these on a sinking line so they are getting down to the bottom and work them slow along the bottom of the lake. It often helps to drop a blood worm or red copper john off the back of your crayfish imitation 24 inches to attract fish that are looking for blood worms.

We hope you have a wonderful fall and catch some great trout at Falcon’s Ledge Utah fishing lodge!

Ask us about renting the entire lodge for a group or family event and have private use of the new swimming pool, lodge & private lakesFishing Rates (435) 253-7306 Hunting Rates