The Orvis Company is a leader in the fly fishing and bird hunting industry in the United States and Falcon’s Ledge Lodge is proud to be partnered with the Orvis company to provide an unmatched fly fishing and bird hunting experience for fly fishermen and bird hunters that have a passion for fly fishing and bird hunting and would like to explore the waters and hills of the western United States as they pursue fish and upland birds. Falcon’s Ledge Lodge is one of the top Orvis-endorsed fly fishing and bird hunting lodges in the world and we love sharing our passion for fly fishing and bird hunting with everyone that visits Falcon’s Ledge. In this blog we will share what to expect when visiting Falcon’s Ledge for a fly fishing or bird hunting adventure.
The first few months of every year we hunt pheasants and chukar partridge at Falcon’s Ledge. From January 1st to the end of March the bird hunting in eastern Utah is spectacular and is a wonderful time to be at Falcon’s Ledge Lodge wingshooting. The beautiful lodge has a massive hot tub and large fireplace on the main floor for relaxing in the evening after a day of following bird dogs and shooting pheasants. During the first three months of the year there is also limited fly fishing opportunities. The Duchesne River and Strawberry River are accessible in the winter months and fish well for brown trout with midge patterns and small nymphs.
At the end of March the weather warms up and spring brings some great fishing opportunities in eastern Utah. The ice melts off the lakes and both the lakes and rivers fish well in April and May with some great midge hatches and actively feeding trout. Spring fly fishing at Falcon’s Ledge can be the best time of year to catch large rainbow trout in the lakes and ponds around eastern Utah.
In June the summer fly fishing starts and summer is prime season for fly fishing the rivers in Utah. June and July is amazing river fly fishing with hatches of mayflies, stoneflies, and caddis. August and September is also great river fly fishing as the trout feed on terrestrials and the hopper, ants, and beetles become the go to flies. Falcon’s Ledge Lodge is one of the best fly fishing lodges in the world for fishermen who want variety and flexibility. Fishermen can fish a different river everyday or go back to the same river. There is a variety of rivers to fish around the lodge including high mountain streams, freestone rivers, tailwater rivers, and lakes and ponds. There is also a massive amount of species to catch in eastern Utah including: rainbow trout, brown trout, brook trout, cutthroat trout, tiger trout, bass, bluegill, tiger muskie, grayling, and whitefish.
The fall months at the Orvis-endorsed Falcon’s Ledge Lodge is one of our favorite times of year, because the fly fishing and bird hunting are both spectacular from September to November. This is the perfect time of year to come and fish and hunt on the same trip. Spend the mornings hunting pheasants with amazing bird dogs and the afternoons catching fat rainbows and brown trout. The weather is mild in the fall months and the fall colors are spectacular in late September and October.
At the end of November as winter comes in the fly fishing becomes limited, but the pheasant hunting is great all winter long. Bird hunters will love the pheasant hunting opportunities in late November and December.
We hope to see you this year at Orvis-endorsed Falcon’s Ledge Lodge for some amazing fly fishing and pheasant hunting with our world-class guides in beautiful eastern Utah!